
LCD is the governance + voting utility token for pbLSD.

LCD is locked for durations of 13, 26, 39 or 52 weeks to receive veLCD.

  • 1 LCD locked for 52 weeks mints 1 veLCD, 0.75 veLCD for 39 weeks and so on and the balance of veLCD decays proportionately similar to veCRV tokenomics.
  • Holders of veLCD can choose to unlock with a penalty(tbd) which is directly proportional to the numbers of weeks left of the lock duration.
  • veLCD allows for setting unlimited number of approved delegates to vote on the holder's behalf.
  • Voting occurs with decay-adjusted balances.
  • Gauges are allocated to each pool in the Reserve Bucket, which receive emissions adjusted by governance to any arbitrary logic.

veLCD is non-transferrable and receives a tax(tbd) from the yield earned in the Reserve Bucket and is used to vote on Liquidity Allocation.